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Commitment Number 5:  Ending Gossip


I commit to ending gossip, talking directly to people with whom I have an issue or concern, and encouraging others to talk directly to people with whom they have an issue or concern.


I commit to saying things about people that I have not or will not say to them. I commit to talking about people in ways I wouldn't if they were there. I commit to listening to others when they gossip.


Big Idea: 

Avoid gossip. It's important to be truthful, but it's equally important to make sure you're sharing the truth at the appropriate times and with the appropriate people. Gossip is widespread in office culture, and though it's widely accepted, it's very toxic. It prevents employees from building trust and hinders their creative energy.

Gossip is harmful for everyone involved‚ the person gossiping, the person listening and the person being gossiped about. Everyone in the workplace should aim to reduce gossip. Don't be afraid to discuss the issue openly with your employees .

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